Same same but …

Same same but …

… Or how to do the best sale … the Vietnamese way!

After a few days here, I realize that even if the country is big and the cities are busy it fells like everything is the same. It’s a sort of déjà vu. But why?

There is so many bars every where but it’s always the same coffee. You can find up to 10 differents local beers, but they all taste pretty much the same. The restaurants have menus with 20 pages, but you don’t know what to order because it all sound the same.

Let’s not be excessive. We found very good restaurant in Vietnam, their fruit juices are to die for and the local food (espacialy vegetarians) is very tasty… But if you ask the waiter what is restaurant is serving, is answer will always start with « Same same but ». Different, spicy, cheaper, traditional, hot, cold…. You can put any thing to complet the sentence!

And it works of everything. You want a green taxi (local brand), mine is same same but white! There is no way around it, here everything is Same Same But Different!

Same same but different cafe

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